Kontakt: 20354 Hamburg, Poststraße 33, T 040 - 3508 5820 F 040 - 3890 74 96

 Facts & Figures

Hamburg.  ... [more]


Oestrich-WInkel. How does the ICT sector look like in 10 years? reflects SAP's Clas Neumann, Senior Vice President, beginning of September ... [more]


Hamburg. "Managing Succession in Family Businesses", Business-cum-Academia Dinner with guest of honour from ebs campus, Dr. Sabine Klein, Director of ebs European Family Business Center (ebs EFBC), Oestrich-Winkel. ... [more]


Oestrich-Winkel. Professor Dr. Utz Schäffer resposnible for ebs research profile-ration ... [more]





7. SEP 1986


"Fischköppe Party"

The largest ever privately hosted party of ebs Students & friends in the Rheingau, organised by a group of ebs students from Northern Germany, the birth of today's Nordlichter.

24. Apr, 2005

Hamburg, Anglo-German Club

ebs Nordlichter Roundtable

Special guest:Prof. Ulrich Hommel, PhD, Rector European Business School (ebs), International University, Schloß Reichartshausen, Oestrich-Winkel

24. Apr

Hamburg, Hotel Atlantic

Großes Liebesmahl des Ostasiatischen Vereins (OAV) e.V.

Gala Dinner mit Rektor Prof. Ulrich Hommel, PhD, als Gast von dem Nordlicht Ulf S Baecker

Sprecher: BM Wolfgang Clement

1. Jul


ebs Nordlichter Luncheon

Special guest: Jens-Thorsten Rauer, 1 st Speaker of ebs alumni association e.V., Oestrich-Winkel 

1. Jul


ebs Nordlichter BlueHour 

ebs alumni with special guest, Jens-Thorsten Rauer

22. Aug


"Die Marke ebs"

Debate with special guest, Cornelia Glees, newly appointed head of Marketing & Communication, ebs 

23. Aug


"What's cooking?"

Visit of journalists: Cornelia Glees meets journalists from Hamburg based magazines & publications as part of regular up-dates

24. Aug

Hamburg, Hamburg Beachclub

SummerChill 2005

Informal get-together of ebs alumni & friends

5. Sep

Hamburg, Anglo-German Club

"Succession Management for Family Businesses"

Dinner-cum-Lecture mit Frau Dr. Sabine Klein, Familienunternehmern, deren Executives und Managern

19. Sep


"The future of IT - the SAP perspective"

ebs Global IT Value Networks Forum for ebs Department of Information Systems 1 & 2 members as well as specially invited guests from the Indian IT sector

19. Sep


"Official Opening of the ebs European Family Business Center (ebs EFBC)"

ebs Nordlichter delegation attending

18. Nov


"The state of Indo-Northern German economic relations"

Business Tea with ebs Nordlichter & Consul General of India, H.E. Deepak Ray

4.-10. DEZ


"Global ICT Value Networks (GITVN) Mission to India 2005"

Business-cum-Academia Mission with ebs Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp, Department of Information Systems 2, ebs

22. DEZ


"X-MAS HomeComingMeeting of ebs Nordlichter"

Informal get-together of ebs alumni, students & invited guests

13. FEB, 2006


ebs Nordlichter Besuch

Informelles Treffen mit ex-regio ebs Nordlicht und Bericht über Alumniaktivitäten in der Region;


Hamburg, Bucerius Law School

"Private Hochschulen in Deutschland"

Business Tea with ebs Nordlichter & Consul General of India, H.E. Deepak Ray

14. FEB

Berlin, Indische Botschaft

Indische Botschafterin

Antrittsbesuch & Bekanntmachen von Cornelia Glees, Leiterin Marketing & Communication der ebs mit der indischen Botschafterin, H.E. Meera Shankar und dem Vize-Botschafter;

14. FEB

Berlin, Haus der Wirtschaft

Asienpazifik-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft (APA)

Bekanntmachen mit dem Generalsekretär des APA mit der Leiterin der ebs für Marketing & Communication sowie Gedankenaustausch;




Mit Ehrengast Verena Neuse, ebs Class of 1996

 6. MÄR

Oestrich-Winkel, Schloß Reichartshausen

Campus Visit

Mit DD Purkayastha, Executive Director of ADP Media Group

6. MÄR


"Beyond Cost-Cutting: Indo-German Collaboration in ICT & Media"

Vorträge von DD Purkayastha, Executive Director der ADP Media Group, Kalkutta, & Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp, ebs Departmen of Information Systems 2, Oestrich-Winkel, für ebs Alumni aus dem Frankfurter Raum

20354 Hamburg, Poststraße 33, T 040 - 3508 5820 F 040 - 3890 74 96