Kontakt: 20354 Hamburg, Poststraße 33, T 040 - 3508 5820 F 040 - 3890 74 96

 Regional  Agenda 

Hamburg. What should be on the research agenda for Northern Germany? Please let us know here your opinion, which will be transferred to ebs research dean for consideration ... [weiter]

 Research Productivity 

Oestrich-Winkel. ebs is taking the lead in developing management tools which allow private & public universities to increase the productivity of their researchers without investing significantly more financial funds.

 Top Ranking 2005  

CHE/ZEIT Ranking: ebs zählt zu den forschungsstarken BWL-Fakultäten

Oestrich-Winkel. CHE ranked ebs research among top 15 university in Germany for business research.


Oestrich-Winkel. Professor Dr. Utz Schäffer, dean of research at ebs and responsible for .

 Alumni Inspired Research 

Hamburg/Oestrich-WInkel. "Global IT Value Networks" by Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp is the first example of how alumni may inspire innovative research which has strong relevance to practice.

  Uni Hamburg   

Hamburg. Prof. Dr. Bassen, ebs alumni, Department of GM/Finance & Investment at University of Hamburg.


Oestrich-Winkel. If you are considering to join one of ebs doctoral programs, find out more about the active community of academics at the ebs campus here ... [weblink]


Oestrich-Winkel. ebs' Dies Academicus 2006 will be again hosted during "ebs week", September 2006.

20354 Hamburg, Poststraße 33, T 040 - 3508 5820 F 040 - 3890 74 96